The Price of Truth

Every child idealizes the idea of one day becoming a hero, saving the world from a great crisis.  Stopping the bad guys.  Up until Wikileaks, many people were confused on who those, "bad guys" really were - because in a way, it was all simply political.  It meshed within the backdrop of our everyday lives as the horrors of bad deeds were explained away as "good", "moral" and "the right thing".  Now, we know that most of the human population would not consciously choose to kill as many people that these leaders have.  Now, we know that the reasons to defend their actions were lies.  The illusion that the general public had some power is completely destroyed.  Julian Assange could have been any of us.  The people harmed by the governments Wikileaks exposed, could have been any of us.  The illusion of Justice, the illusion of political decision, fair participation in the economy has been demystified.  Most of the world is plugged in on the internet, learning at a much faster speed, acknowledging, understanding and awakening to the fact that distraction, diversion just does not work any more.

Too many innocent people have died.  Too many people have been tortured.  Too many people have starved and we all know why.  The imprisonment of Julian Assange is a symbolic precipice, that governments around the world must take great care in how they involve themselves right now.  Which stance they choose to take, which decisions they make and how they will or will not face up to the true crimes that have been committed.  Whilst Julian Assange is in prison for charges that have never been substantiated, George Bush walks free.  B.W(Before Wikileaks), the public reaction might have laughed at the notion of George Bush being tried for war crimes.  Now, its very serious.  Its not just about George Bush, but all the players in these wars.

One might want to ask, how much has the pursuit of Julian Assange costed?  How much of United States taxpayers dollars gone into trying to destroy Wikileaks?  How much money has gone into trying to censor the internet?  Alone, if we consider the average pay for an intelligence officer is $70,000 per year, multiply that by  120 and we have an estimate of 8.4 million dollars.  One might want to add that to the cost for legal services to find a way to prosecute Assange under the Espionage act, yet that money could have gone towards something better.  Perhaps attempting to house its 2.5 million that are currently homeless could have been a better cause.    Yet, instead Julian Assange has become the target of an insane frivolous pursuit:

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