Shame on Australia: Australia Should be Behind Wikileaks Founder

In the wake of signing sleazy deals with Stephen Conroy on "Filtering Threats", Robert McClelland announced that they were looking into seizing Wikileaks founders passport.  To be able to seize Mr Assanges passport, they would have to establish that he is aiding terrorism.  The problem is that if they reinterpret defining terrorism to include media outlets, then they risk losing all support for national security altogether.  A week after the release of the Iraq war logs, Hilary Cinton announced on her visit to Australia her intentions to establish a stronger military alliance with Australia including, "cybersecurity".  She strongly condemned Wikileaks prior to her visit:

The fact remains that under many definitions, Wikileaks is not a terrorist organisation.  Commentators have made some good arguments against this.  The pressure from world governments after the release of classified diplomatic cable data to undermine the work of Wikileaks is great.  They have received heavy DDOS attacks, denied a paypal account and a domain name since its release.  There is an international arrest warrant out for Julian Assange for a crime that has never been substantiated.  Legal analysis, has confirmed that it is possible to transfer Julian Assange upon agreement with Sweden to United States where he can be charged for laws they introduced specifically to stop Wikileaks from publishing its releases.

Instead of defending Julian Assange as an Australian citizen and a human rights defender of free speech, the Australian government placed a considerable amount of resources into investigating whether there are any Australian laws that could put Julian Assange in custody.  To date, there has been no announcement of such.
Ego- front or no ego, no human being deserves to be treated so poorly.  Along with being denied access to justice, indication that he will be detained if he were to arrive in Australia would also be detained by Australian authorities.  Clearly, his rights are violated here.  Julian Assange should be able to go to Australia to visit his family without harassment.

1 comment:

  1. There is also a good article explaining the laws United States are changing in order to criminilize Wikileaks:

    This will have a Tsunami like effect on all other media.
